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Rene Kita recordings downloadable, a must have!

So these recordings by Rene Kita have really been blowing me away. They are very artistically collaged field recordings available free to download for all of you beautiful people. I recomend the work and this recording highly, very highly. It has been a thrilling discovery.

Rene Kita's comments on this peice, called track suite:

Experimental, that is, broken on purpose music expressing hysteria, fear, anger and irrational exuberance. The samples used were collected from a live gig of mine at Lumo-klubi at the Kokoteatteri, Helsinki on 27 February 2005, tap dancing on sheet metal and screaming, a session of screaming against the saxophone of Janne Martinkauppi (who kindly released the rights) and recordings made with Samy Kramer (also kindly released copyrights) on the streets and shores of Helsinki. Collated with Soundtracker on Linux. The ogg versions were encoded with maximum quality settings to give you the 'definitive' version: Any distortion or disturbances you may hear in these are definitely part of the composition. Enjoy!

it's free. try this.

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