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Another Round of D.I.Y. Madness - Music from the World's Basements

Time once again, oh fearless waveriders, for another installment of one of our favorite columns, The D.I.Y. Ethic, our ode to all the multipulously talented folk out there that divide their time between the day job and the basement studio. (and in case you're wondering, yes, I did just make up that word, but it certainly seems to fit). And have we got an assortment for you today. That's one of the things that thrills us the most about the D.I.Y. musician– there is no end to the limits of their muse. It seems that often the thought of the D.I.Y musician is some musical geek sitting alone in his bedroom tapping keys on an ibook, or some version of forever noncommercial indy rock. Let us be the first to tell you, that's not the case. Heavy metal, alt-rock, classic psychedelic stonerfied blues, it's all here. Coming straight from the basement, no record labels needed, we got us some D.I.Y. madness.
Read more at: Ripple Effect. D.I.Y
The Ropes
Midnite Social
Birch Hill Dam

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