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Getting a subscription to

What I am listening to while I'm starting: Love Is Where You Are

I used to wonder about the advantages that a subscription to this page would give to me.
In fact, I've never seen a place where the benefits of a subscription were shown in this page. Therefore I decided to pay and become a subscriber to see what were the big changes. They're not a lot but they are not none either.

The payment was made through PayPal, using my VISA credit card which was simple and easy, so in a matter of seconds I became a subscriber for $3 a month. You can choose if you want to pay just one month if you want and that's what I did.

Then when I went back to my profile later, the first and most notorious thing I noticed as a change was the little black icon on the upper left corner of my avatar, it's not that I feel any better by having it. Actually it is sort of the contrary because I think that this icon stops people from entering to my profile hahah. It looks good by the way.

Another curious thing you gain with a subscription is the "Recent Visitors" box right above your "About Me" space, it shows you the last six people that have visited your profile and it also shows you the time when they visited. This feature is interesting, so if you visit a subscriber he/she will be informed of it! That's why I said it would refrain people from entering to those profiles sometimeslol.

Alright, another thing is the Playground (Subscriber VIP zone) which is a space with tools that the team have made for us, most of those features are accessible for everybody but there are some of them that are only accessible for subscribers, I must say that the exclusive ones are betas, and they show you graphics most of all. There is a really nice tool there which is called "Image Chart". This generates a picture with your favourite artists and the images on it are bigger or smaller depending on how much you listen to your music, too bad it can't be posted on my profile……….

Another feature which is obvious is the unlimited radio streaming, which is the reason why I paid the $3, In my opinion it costs very little compared to all the music and artists you will discover. Moreover, the software doesn't require a fast internet connection because I have a really slow one which is based on a modem which uses 3G connectivity and I have no problems while streaming music, and the sound quality is fairly good!

Last but not least is the fact that I haven't seen any more ads since I subscribed to which is GOOD.

I hope it was useful in any way hahah.


What I am listening now that I'm finished: The Blood Is Love

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