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Down in Paris They Lose Their Ballas and Their Lipdamales in the Night

I recently read a review of Regina Spektor that regarded her with less than positive feelings. They stated she was only good untill the "cuteness" wears off.

Personally, I cant quite swallow that statement. I guess after two years straight of listening to her on an almost daily basis there is still plenty of cuteness to go around.

In fact, Im pretty sure that I fall in love with her all over again every single time I hear her voice.

I remember being in the mall and walking into Brookstone (Sharper Image knock off). I plugged my iPod into one of their stereos (that happened to be linked to wireless speakers filling the entire store) and put on "ReJazz". Suddenly, everyone in the store became silent. My friend Broc turned to me and said "Oh my God, who is this? Thats the kind of voice that makes everyone stop and say 'Damn'"

And damn, I couldnt agree more.

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