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The Hypelist [Jan 25 - Jan 31]

Five songs I heart this week.

Andrew Bird - How You Gonna Keep 'Em Down On the Farm
I've been doing a lot of research on World War I lately, and I was really surprised to hear this song, which was written in 1918, in a modern version which is not only not hokey, but really beautiful.

GoodBooks - Passchendaele
While I'm talking about WWI, this is one of my favorites. Not just one of my favorite songs about WWI, but one of my favorite songs period.

Sleep Station - Oh Mary
Going along with my war theme here, from the free album Blood of Our Fathers. I highly recommend anything and everything by Sleep Station. I can't get enough.

TheTrees - Odd One Out
Unsigned band, new to, definitely worth checking out. Oh, and also lots of free downloads! All their songs have been in heavy rotation on my iPod this week, but this one is my favorite. This one or Stop Talking (oops, I snuck in a 6th song there!).

Unkle Bob - This Way
Once again hard to choose, but I have to put in an Unkle Bob song. Have to. Because. They're brilliant.


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