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One year later I still love

I've been a user for one year and almost 25,000 plays, and in spite of some of the recent frustrations I still love and, uh, spend way too much time here.

To explain why, let's look at some numbers.

Number of artists in my library: 723

Number of artists in my library that I'd heard of before registering at 94

Number of artists in my top 50 overall that I'd heard of before 6

Number of artists in my top 10 overall that I'd heard of before 2

Number of artists in my top 50 this week that I discovered elsewhere: 1

My point being, obviously, that without I'd be missing out on a heckuva lot of music. Some of my favorites have fewer than 15,000 plays. I can't imagine any other way I could have found these guys.

And some lists…

Artists that I love madly that I might not have ever discovered without

Carbon Leaf
Maxïmo Park
Jump, Little Children
Little Man Tate
The Coral

Favorites I would NEVER have found without, and that I really think more people should listen to: ;)

Ali Whitton
Bad Dream Good Breakfast
This Beautiful Thief
Colours Run
The Home Guard
The Hidden Messages
The Library Trust

I can't wait to find out what wonderful new music I'll discover during the next year. :) Even with all the carping recently (some of which I've done myself), is still the best place around for finding new music.

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