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Chaka Khan: She's all our women.

Whenever you're low, with a dreaded impending sense of doom and 'that quicksand feeling' like i've currently got at the moment, there is, but one song that will always respond to your feelings of despair, your bottom-of-the-barrel lowness, to your rapid lack of self esteem and unwanted feelings of doubt.

And that incarnation of the holy grail, comes in the form of the 70s, disco classic Chaka Khan's I'm Every Woman .

The song that seeked Bridget Jones out to make her feel better about herself after seeing her boss cheat on her with 'an American stick'; the song that President Obama sung to his wife Michelle Obama in public rallies; and the song that Whitney Houston did a Grammy nominated cover of.

Normally, this is where i'd post the YouTube video and mention the five different Chaka's to represent 'every woman', and how the video was apparently one of the first music videos ever made (i doubt this however, i read that on Wiki).

But there's no video of it on YouTube.

So instead, i'll post this live version she did on Oprah, from 1996 (it used to be the theme to that particular programme). All the single, young, empowered, feelin' good females in the audience really put all the energy and excitement into the performance what with the 'WHOOP!' and everything.

And so yes, personally i think one of the best songs, not only from the 1970s, but from the past 35 years. A song with confidence, bounce (not that i exactly know what that means) and the anthem for women, drag queens and trannies everywhere.

Rock on Chaka. Thanks for putting fire inside us.

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