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shut up with the spam, me

Set your music player on shuffle. For each new "scene" note down the song that comes next. So no cheating. Unless you feel it's necessary to skip a tune (say, the same song comes up twice, etc.)

Opening Credits:

Waking Up:
Stop Coming To My House

Average Day:
Horizon 12.2

First Date:
Street Knowledge

Falling In Love:

Fight Scene:
A Book of Blood

Breaking Up:
The Prime Time of Your Life

Getting Back Together:

Secret Love:

Life's Okay:
Fire Away

Mental Breakdown:
Roygbiv (nothing says 'slowly going mad' like boards of canada)

Jardin De Cecile

Learning A Lesson:
Silent Shout (lyrics are perfect for this. "never thought this could happen to me")

Deep Thought:
Music : Response

Destroy Everything You Touch


Happy Dance:

White Light Of

Long Night Alone:
Slow This Bird Down

Death Scene:
This Cat is a Landmine

mine didn't turn out as awsome as the girl i stole this survey from, but eh. killed time.

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