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Be negative about your top 10

Saw this entry somewhere and decided to give it a go

1. Silvio Rodríguez
He's old! :'( and after all he used to sing about, he goes and performs in the USA (not that it's a bad thing) but it's against what he claims to be.
2. Muse
Apparently everybody likes them now and I just hope fame won't hit them in a bad way.
3. Howard Shore
Maybe that he composed the score of Eclipse but that's just a personal thing I have against those movies (and books).
4. David Bowie
Nothing… he's perfect…
5. Depeche Mode
They came, they performed… and they went home too early! *sniff*
6. The Cure
That I haven't been able to see them live! I hope they come soon :)
7. The Beatles
George and John are no longer here, that's the bad thing about them.
8. The Killers
I think Brandon likes fame too much and I don't like some things he had said, also their last record was really really bad, I didn't like it at all.
9. Pixies
Wow, my current obsession with them has given them spot 9! Well, what can I say? I just want to see them live again… really really bad.
10. Pink Floyd
There is nothing wrong about this band, it's probably the greatest band of all time but they should perform together again, that would be the most awesome thing in the world. And of course, Syd and Richard are truly missed.

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