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Boris - Japanese Heavy Rock Hits Vol. 3 Translated Lyrics


Winds blowing through the buildings make me lonely
I couldn't wait until 19:00
I was chased away by the evening sun
I couldn't help but sigh out loud

There are people all over here, walking up and down
This evening glow just before the sunset reminds me of you
This evening glow is shining brightly on a stray cloud
I couldn't help but sigh, it is just like me
And it walks away to the neighbouring sky

I can't argue back, can't help but allow
Would like to ask to take me to the soft orange sky, but…

Winds blowing through the buildings make me lonely
I couldn't wait until 19:00
I was chased away by the evening sun
I couldn't help but sigh out loud

There are people all over here, walking up and down
There are people all over here, crying their eyes out

…and hear nothing

"I doubt it."
You are standing there
In awe of
The touchable unknown
In the end
The expectation
Appear and disappear
Appear and disappear

The damned, the intermixed
Beings of the world
Go away from me

So I pray deafeningly
And that is my prayer

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