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My son listens to gangster rap

First, I'm not to fond of rap and I really hate gangster rap.
The story:
I just bought a ipod off of craigslist and it has about 200 gangster rap songs .
I want to delete it all but my son who is 15 wants to swap me his ipod so he can have and listen to the gangster rap.
I'm against this idea because he is only 15 and I would feel like a bad father because it may influence him.
He tells me he won't walk around the house rapping out loud because he usually does.
He wants me to mention that he gets decent grades and doesn't get into trouble at school and has never been in trouble with the law.
Also he does not use curse words around me and I hope he doesn't anywhere else.
I want to delete all the gangster rap and I told him most good parents would do the same.

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