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Life Music Test

1. put all your music in your player on SHUFFLE.
2. press forward for each question (or listen to the song^^).
3. use the song title as the answer to the question even if it doesn't make sense. NO CHEATING!

1. how are you feeling today?
Sweet Relief

2. will you get far in life?
The Apparition

3. how do your friends see you?
I Will Play My Game Beneath The Spin Light

4. will you get married?

5. what is your lifes theme song?
Yesterday's Trash

6. what is the story of your life?
From This Day

7. what was high school like?
Three Evils (Embodied In Love And Shadow)

8. how can you get ahead in life?
Entrance Of The Conflagration

9. what is the best thing about you?
False Idols

10. what is tomorrow going to be like?
Just Like This

11. what is the best thing about your friends?
Number Of The Beast

12. what is in store for the next weekend?
Rock Is Dead

13. what song best describes you?
Crown And Miter

14. how is your life going?

15. what song will play at your funeral?
Four To The Floor

16. how does the world see you?
Love Like Winter

17. will you have a happy life?
Blood On The Ground

18. what do your friends really think of you?
You're Not Alone

19. what song describes the person you're attracted to?
Plastic Saints

20. what message would you like to tell the next generation?
Daylight Bombings

21. do you have a deep dark secret?
Some Will Seek Forgiveness, Others Escape

22. do people secretly lust after you?

23. how can you make yourself happy?
Kill The Poor

24. will you ever have children?
Goldies Torn Locks

25. what's some good advice for you?

26. how will you die?
Doomsayer (The Beginning Of The End)

27. how will you be remembered?
Clever Sleazoid

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