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Stream/Download: Mincemeat or Tenspeed

Originally posted on

You may not imagine a tiny blog like mine that nobody reads would get a steady stream of free music sent to their inbox, but I do. It takes a lot of effort (that 9 chances out of 10 is not worth it) to comb through all of the music that I am thrown on a weekly basis. Hundreds of hours of music.

I get into these moods where I want to listen to something that I have never heard before, or even heard of before. That's where Burn Down the Capital comes in and never lets me down. I met the dude that not only runs that site, but also puts together crazy shows of the most outside music you could ever imagine across Toronto, several years ago. So, that link might be of a bit more help to you if you live in and around the Toronto area if you'd like to actually check out any of the shows that are posted to the site.

Last week the email he sent out included info about a gig that Philadelphia's David Harms, aka Mincemeat or Tenspeed, was putting on. I checked it out and got exactly what I wanted. Noisy, challenging music. If you are a fan of early Dan Deacon or Merzbow (or both) then you should check this out. He creates music with "No synthesizers, samplers, sequencers, drum machines, computers, musical instruments." His only tools are effects pedals and a mixer. What he does with that limited inventory is pretty amazing.

Ranging from pure -ambience to pulsations of distorted glitches, he's got it covered from top to bottom. And the truly great news for you is that there is a great deal of his music that is available for download for free. If you are having a hard time trying to decide where to start, I think that "Live in Black Ops," "The Tower," and "Dungeon Master" are where to go. Interesting sidenote that the Soundcloud page claims Providence as his location (perhaps that is more current?) and that the "Dungeon Master" album includes the track "Mindflayer," also the name of fellow Providence noise master Brian Chippendale's bands.

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