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Oh dear gawd :O

Soooo, I'm bored XD. Let's go write something in my journal once again, like my second journal entry in what, 8 months or so? :P. Boredom probably makes you do weird things I suppose.

Recently started to use the client again to listen to streaming radio as well, it took a while but it appears that finally it is more stable again, or at least for me. For a long time before it was just extremely fucked up all the time, stopping with playing music every 3 minutes or so. Now that makes you wanna listen to radio for sure XP.

It also changes my weekly listening habit by far, being able to listen to all that other music which I don't have on CD or as MP3 myself, nice to hear something else for a change :).

As I can listen to a lot it's nice to have a change every now and then, although it's also funny when some people end up flaming you for liking certain kinds of music XD, as if you should stick to one genre or something :P. Have to love those little kiddies ^_^.

Ah well, enough boredom for now, let's go check if there's something on to watch ^^.

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