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Musical Answers to the Great Questions...

Story of my life?

How does the world see me?
Set Sail and Conquer

How do my friends see me?
One Thing

How is my life going?
A Cruel Taste of Winter

What's the best thing about me?

Will I have a happy life?
Walking on the Moon

Do people secretly lust after me?
Wreak Havoc

How can I make myself happy?
Gilded Cunt

What should I do with my life?
Tale of Revenge

How can I get ahead in life?
Satan My Master

What's highschool like?

Will I ever have children?
Jet Pilot

What is some good advice for me?

How will I be remembered?
Under A Luminous Sky

What's in store for this weekend?
This Flight Tonight

What is my signature dancing song?
Channelling The Power of Souls Into a New God

What song will play at my funeral?
Babylon's Pride

What type of men/women do you like?
Little Dreamer (Väinämöinen, Pt. 2)

What should I do with my life?

What song describes my parents?
The Unforgiven

What song describes my grandparents?

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