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The Beach Boys Titles for Correction

The track names for The Beach Boys are notoriously messy, with over 200 tracks misnamed! (Scarily, quite a few have cropped up in the top 10!)

Fortunately for us, user c4t2007 has created an awesome solution to allow you to submit of a large batch of name corrections in just TWO easy steps!

- Create a new bookmark and instead of a website address, copy and paste the following code:

javascript:(function(){var x="#CTBTV";function y(s){return encodeURIComponent(s).replace(/%2520/g,"+").replace(/%252B/g,"%25252B").replace(//g,"%25252E")};var D=document;if(D.location.hostname.match(/^(ww\w.)*last(fm)?.{2}$/)==null){alert('Please run this on "ww\", not "'+D.location.hostname+'".')}D.CTBTVoldscan=function b(){var d=/(\Wcorrect.+|gt;.+|%E2%86%92.+|=]*)?\(.*?)\/gi;var c=D.body.innerHTML;var v=[];while(result=d.exec(c)){v.push((result?"=":"")+result+" - "+result+(result?"\n":""))}jQuery(x+"_list").val(v.join("\n"))};D.CTBTVnewscan=function nb(){jQuery(x+"_list").val("");jQuery(".forumStuff textarea").each(function(ei){var l=this.innerHTML.replace(/.*?:\n\s*(*)\/g,"$1").replace(/\*?\/g,"\n").replace(/\/g,"").replace(/&amp;/g,"&").replace(/&gt;/g,">").replace(/&lt;/g,"<").split("\n");for(var j=0;j<l.length;++j)if(l==""||l.indexOf(" - ")>0)jQuery(x+"_list").val(jQuery(x+"_list").val()+jQuery.trim(l)+"\n");jQuery(x+"_list").val((jQuery(x+"_list").val()+"\n").replace(/\n{2,}/g,"\n\n"))})};D.CTBTV=function a(){jQuery(x+" textarea, "+x+" input").attr("disabled","disabled");jQuery(x+" input").css("color","grey");var g=/"ParentResource",\s*{"id":"(.*?)"/;var h=/"formtoken":\s*"(.*?)"/;function e(i){jQuery(x+"_log").append(i);jQuery(x+"_log").scrollTop(9e4)}jQuery(x+"_log").text("").show();var f=jQuery(x+"_list").val().trim().split(/^(=.*)/m);var fl=f.length-1;var t1=new Date().getTime();var c=0;function lb(){var s=f;var l=s.trim().split("\n");var m=f;var r=m.indexOf(" - ");if(r<0)return;var j=m.slice(0,r).trim();var k=m.slice(r+3).trim();if(j!="="||j.length<2){e("No correct track specified.<br>")}else{j=j.slice(1).trim();e('Voting for "'+j+'" - "'+k+'"...<br>');var n=0;function ll(){if(l){var p=l.trim();var r=p.indexOf(" - ");var o=p.slice(0,r).trim();var q=p.slice(r+3).trim();e('"'+o+'" - "'+q+'"...');jQuery.ajax({async:false,url:"/music/"+y(o)+"/_/"+y(q)}).done(function(i){token=h.exec(i);resource=g.exec(i);jQuery.ajax({async:false,url:"/ajax/dialog/moderationvote",type:"POST",data:{type:9,id:resource,formtoken:token,choice:"notcorrect",correctartist:"custom",customartistname:j,customtrackname:k,voted:1}}).done(function(t){if(t.success){if("successScreen")>-1){e("OK")}else{e(}}else{e("FAIL: "+t.errormessage)}}).fail(function(u,v,t){e("FAIL: "+t)})}).fail(function(t,u,i){e("FAIL: "+i)});e("<br>")};++n;if(n<l.length){setTimeout(ll,400)}else{c+=2;var t2=(new Date().getTime()-t1)/6e4;e(c/2+"/"+fl/2+" ETA "+(t2/(c/fl)-t2|0)+"m<br>");if(c<fl){setTimeout(lb,800)}else{e("Done.");jQuery(x+" textarea, "+x+" input").removeAttr("disabled");jQuery(x+" input").css("color","white")}}}ll()}}lb()};if(jQuery(x).length<1){var bs="margin:5px;border:1px solid black;border-radius:3px;color:white;background-color:#333333;padding:3px 7px 3px 7px;cursor:pointer";jQuery(D.body).append('<div id="CTBTV" style="color:black;background-color:white;border:1px solid #333333;position:fixed;top:10px;left:10px;width:350px;text-align:center;z-index:9001"><div id="CTBTVbar" style="color:white;background-color:#333333;padding:4px;margin-bottom:5px" title="By c4t2007, 27-12-2013">Batch Track Voter 2.2.2 for<span onmousedown="jQuery(\''+x+'\').remove();return false" style="float:right;cursor:pointer" title="Close">x<span></div>Paste tracks like so:<br><code>incorrect - incorrect<br>incorrect - incorrect<br>=correct - correct</code><br><textarea id="CTBTV_list" style="width:320px;height:200px"></textarea><br><input type="button" value="old scan" style="'+bs+'" onclick="CTBTVoldscan()"><input type="button" value="new scan" style="'+bs+';margin:5px 100px 5px 5px" onclick="CTBTVnewscan()"><input type="button" value="submit" style="'+bs+'" onclick="CTBTV()"><div id="CTBTV_log" style="display:none;font-size:9px;text-align:left;height:50px;overflow:auto"></div></div>')}var xo=null;jQuery(D.body).on("mousemove",function(e){if(xo!=null){jQuery(x).offset({top:e.pageY-10,left:e.pageX-xo})}});jQuery(x+"bar").on("mousedown",function(e){xo=e.offsetX||e.pageX-this.parentNode.offsetLeft||50});jQuery(D.body).on("mouseup",function(e){xo=null})})()

- Remaining on this page, click on your new bookmark and in the window that's popped up, copy and paste everything that's quoted below. "Submit", sit tight and let the batch voter do all the hard work!

The Beach Boys - Surfin Safari
The Beach Boys - Surfin' Safari - 2001 - Remaster
The Beach Boys - Surfin' Safari - mono
The Beach Boys - Surfin' Safari (mono)
=The Beach Boys - Surfin' Safari

The Beach Boys - 409 (stereo)
The Beach Boys - 409 (mono)
=The Beach Boys - 409

The Beach Boys - Surfin' - 2001 - Remaster
=The Beach Boys - Surfin'

The Beach Boys - Heads You Win, Tails I Lose
The Beach Boys - Heads I Win (Tails You Lose)
=The Beach Boys - Heads You Win - Tails I Lose

The Beach Boys - Surfin' U.S.A. (2001 - Remaster)
The Beach Boys - Surfin' U.S.A. (stereo)
The Beach Boys - Surfin' USA
The Beach Boys - Surfin' U.S.A. - 2001 Digital Remaster
The Beach Boys - Surfin' U.S.A. - 2001 - Remaster
The Beach Boys - Surfin USA
The Beach Boys - Surfing USA
The Beach Boys - Surfin' U.S.A. - Mono
The Beach Boys - Surfin' U.S.A
The Beach Boys - Surfin' U.S.A. - Stereo;1990 Digital Remaster
=The Beach Boys - Surfin' U.S.A.

The Beach Boys - Farmer's Daughter (stereo)
The Beach Boys - Farmer's Daughter (mono)
=The Beach Boys - Farmer's Daughter

The Beach Boys - Misirlou (stereo)
The Beach Boys - Misirlou (mono)
=The Beach Boys - Misirlou

The Beach Boys - Stoked (stereo)
The Beach Boys - Stoked (mono)
=The Beach Boys - Stoked

The Beach Boys - Lonely Sea (stereo)
The Beach Boys - Lonely Sea (mono)
=The Beach Boys - Lonely Sea

The Beach Boys - Shut Down (stereo)
The Beach Boys - Shut Down - 2003 Digital Remaster
=The Beach Boys - Shut Down

The Beach Boys - Noble Surfer (stereo)
The Beach Boys - Noble Surfer (mono)
=The Beach Boys - Noble Surfer

The Beach Boys - Honky Tonk (stereo)
The Beach Boys - Honky Tonk (mono)
The Beach Boys - Honkey Tonk
=The Beach Boys - Honky Tonk

The Beach Boys - Lana (stereo)
The Beach Boys - Lana (mono)
=The Beach Boys - Lana

The Beach Boys - Surf Jam (stereo)
The Beach Boys - Surf Jam (mono)
=The Beach Boys - Surf Jam

The Beach Boys - Let's Go Trippin' (stereo)
The Beach Boys - Let's Go Trippin' (mono)
=The Beach Boys - Let's Go Trippin'

The Beach Boys - Surfer Girl - 2001 - Remaster
The Beach Boys - Surfer Girl - Mono
The Beach Boys - Surfer Girl (stereo)
=The Beach Boys - Surfer Girl

The Beach Boys - Catch a Wave (stereo)
The Beach Boys - Catch a Wave (mono)
=The Beach Boys - Catch a Wave

The Beach Boys - The Surfer Moon (Mono)
The Beach Boys - The Surfer Moon (stereo)
=The Beach Boys - The Surfer Moon

The Beach Boys - South Bay Surfer (stereo)
The Beach Boys - South Bay Surfer (mono)
=The Beach Boys - South Bay Surfer

The Beach Boys - Rocking Surfer (stereo)
The Beach Boys - Rocking Surfer (mono)
The Beach Boys - Rockin' Surfer
=The Beach Boys - The Rocking Surfer

The Beach Boys - Little Deuce Coupe (stereo)
The Beach Boys - Little Deuce Coupe (mono)
The Beach Boys - Little Deuce Coupe - 2001 - Remaster
The Beach Boys - Little Deuce Coupe - Mono
=The Beach Boys - Little Deuce Coupe

The Beach Boys - In My Room - 2001 - Remaster
The Beach Boys - In My Room (stereo)
The Beach Boys - In My Room (mono)
The Beach Boys - In My Room - mono
The Beach Boys - In My Room (2001 - Remaster)
=The Beach Boys - In My Room

The Beach Boys - Hawaii (stereo)
The Beach Boys - Hawaii (mono)
=The Beach Boys - Hawaii

The Beach Boys - Surfer's Rule (stereo)
The Beach Boys - Surfer's Rule (mono)
=The Beach Boys - Surfer's Rule

The Beach Boys - Our Car Club (stereo)
The Beach Boys - Our Car Club (mono)
=The Beach Boys - Our Car Club

The Beach Boys - Your Summer Dream (stereo)
The Beach Boys - Your Summer Dream (mono)
=The Beach Boys - Your Summer Dream

The Beach Boys - Boogie Woodie (stereo)
The Beach Boys - Boogie Woodie (mono)
=The Beach Boys - Boogie Woodie

The Beach Boys - Ballad of Ole' Betsy (stereo)
The Beach Boys - Ballad of Ole' Betsy (mono)
=The Beach Boys - Ballad of Ole' Betsy

The Beach Boys - Be True to Your School (Single Version)
The Beach Boys - Be True to Your School - 2001 - Remaster
The Beach Boys - Be True to Your School (2001 - Remaster)
The Beach Boys - Be True to Your School (stereo)
=The Beach Boys - Be True to Your School

The Beach Boys - Car Crazy Cutie (stereo)
The Beach Boys - Car Crazy Cutie (mono)
=The Beach Boys - Car Crazy Cutie

The Beach Boys - Cherry, Cherry Coupe (stereo)
The Beach Boys - Cherry, Cherry Coupe (mono)
=The Beach Boys - Cherry, Cherry Coupe

The Beach Boys - Spirit of America (stereo)
The Beach Boys - Spirit of America (mono)
=The Beach Boys - Spirit of America

The Beach Boys - No-Go Showboat (stereo)
The Beach Boys - No-Go Showboat (mono)
=The Beach Boys - No-Go Showboat

The Beach Boys - A Young Man is Gone (stereo)
=The Beach Boys - A Young Man is Gone

The Beach Boys - Custom Machine (stereo)
The Beach Boys - Custom Machine (mono)
=The Beach Boys - Custom Machine

The Beach Boys - Fun Fun Fun
The Beach Boys - Fun, Fun, Fun - 2001 - Remaster
The Beach Boys - Fun, Fun, Fun (mono)
The Beach Boys - Fun, Fun, Fun (stereo)
=The Beach Boys - Fun, Fun, Fun

The Beach Boys - Don't Worry Baby - 2001 - Remaster
The Beach Boys - Don't Worry Baby (single version)
The Beach Boys - Don't Worry Baby - Mono
The Beach Boys - Don't Worry, Baby
The Beach Boys - Don't Worry Baby - 2009 New Stereo Mix
The Beach Boys - Don't Worry Baby - 2001 Digital Remaster
The Beach Boys - Don't Worry Baby (stereo)
The Beach Boys - Don't Worry Baby (mono)
=The Beach Boys - Don't Worry Baby

The Beach Boys - In the Parkin' Lot (stereo)
The Beach Boys - In the Parkin' Lot (mono)
=The Beach Boys - In the Parkin' Lot

The Beach Boys - "Cassius" Love vs. "Sonny" Wilson (stereo)
The Beach Boys - "Cassius" Love vs. "Sonny" Wilson (mono)
=The Beach Boys - "Cassius" Love vs. "Sonny" Wilson

The Beach Boys - The Warmth of the Sun - 2001 - Remaster
The Beach Boys - The Warmth Of The Sun - Mono
The Beach Boys - The Warmth of the Sun (stereo)
The Beach Boys - The Warmth of the Sun (mono)
=The Beach Boys - The Warmth of the Sun

The Beach Boys - This Car of Mine (mono)
=The Beach Boys - This Car of Mine

The Beach Boys - Why Do Fools Fall in Love (Stereo)
The Beach Boys - Why Do Fools Fall in Love - 2001 - Remaster
=The Beach Boys - Why Do Fools Fall in Love

The Beach Boys - Pom Pom Play Girl (stereo)
The Beach Boys - Pom Pom Play Girl (mono)
The Beach Boys - Pom Pom Play Girl
=The Beach Boys - Pom, Pom Play Girl

The Beach Boys - Keep an Eye on Summer (stereo)
The Beach Boys - Keep an Eye on Summer (mono)
=The Beach Boys - Keep an Eye on Summer

The Beach Boys - Shut Down, Part II (mono)
The Beach Boys - Shut Down, Part II (stereo)
=The Beach Boys - Shut Down, Part II

The Beach Boys - Louie, Louie (stereo)
The Beach Boys - Louie, Louie (mono)
The Beach Boys - Louie Louie (stereo)
The Beach Boys - Louie Louie (mono)
=The Beach Boys - Louie, Louie

The Beach Boys - Denny's Drums (stereo)
The Beach Boys - Denny's Drums (mono)
The Beach Boys - Dennys Drums
=The Beach Boys - Denny's Drums

The Beach Boys - I Get Around - 2001 Digital Remaster;U.K. Remaster
The Beach Boys - I Get Around - 2001 - Remaster
The Beach Boys - I Get Around - mono
The Beach Boys - I Get Around (mono)
The Beach Boys - I Get Around (Stereo)
=The Beach Boys - I Get Around

The Beach Boys - All Summer Long - 2001 - Remaster

The Beach Boys - All Summer Long (Stereo)
=The Beach Boys - All Summer Long

The Beach Boys - Hushabye (Mono)
The Beach Boys - Hushabye (stereo)
=The Beach Boys - Hushabye

The Beach Boys - Little Honda - 2001 - Remaster
The Beach Boys - Little Honda (mono)
=The Beach Boys - Little Honda

The Beach Boys - Carl's Big Chance (Mono)
=The Beach Boys - Carl's Big Chance

The Beach Boys - Wendy - 2001 - Remaster
The Beach Boys - Wendy (mono)
The Beach Boys - Wendy (stereo)
=The Beach Boys - Wendy

The Beach Boys - Do You Remember (Mono)
The Beach Boys - Do You Remember (stereo)
=The Beach Boys - Do You Remember?

The Beach Boys - Girls on the Beach - 2001 - Remaster
The Beach Boys - Girls On the Beach (mono)
=The Beach Boys - Girls On the Beach

The Beach Boys - Drive-In (Mono)
=The Beach Boys - Drive-In

The Beach Boys - Our Favorite Recording Sessions (Mono)
The Beach Boys - Our Favorite Recording Sessions (stereo)
=The Beach Boys - Our Favorite Recording Sessions

The Beach Boys - Do You Wanna Dance
The Beach Boys - Do You Wanna Dance? (Mono)
The Beach Boys - Do You Wanna Dance? - 2001 - Remaster;Mono
The Beach Boys - Do You Wanna Dance? (stereo)
The Beach Boys - Do You Wanna Dance (mono)
The Beach Boys - Do You Wanna Dance? (2001 - Remaster) (Mono)
=The Beach Boys - Do You Wanna Dance?

The Beach Boys - Don't Hurt My Little Sister (stereo)
=The Beach Boys - Don't Hurt My Little Sister

The Beach Boys - When I Grow Up (To Be a Man) (2001 - Remaster) (Mono)
The Beach Boys - When I Grow Up (To Be a Man) - 2001 - Remaster;Mono
The Beach Boys - When I Grow Up
The Beach Boys - When I Grow Up to Be a Man
The Beach Boys - When I Grow Up (To Be a Man) (stereo)
The Beach Boys - When I Grow Up (To Be a Man) (Mono)
=The Beach Boys - When I Grow Up (To Be a Man)

The Beach Boys - Dance, Dance, Dance - 2003 Stereo Mix
The Beach Boys - Dance, Dance, Dance (Stereo)
=The Beach Boys - Dance, Dance, Dance

The Beach Boys - Please Let Me Wonder - 2001 - Remaster;Mono
The Beach Boys - Please Let Me Wonder (stereo)
=The Beach Boys - Please Let Me Wonder

The Beach Boys - I'm So Young (Alternate Take)
=The Beach Boys - I'm So Young

The Beach Boys - Kiss Me, Baby (stereo)
=The Beach Boys - Kiss Me, Baby

The Beach Boys - She Knows Me too Well (stereo)
=The Beach Boys - She Knows Me too Well

The Beach Boys - In the Back of My Mind (stereo)
=The Beach Boys - In the Back of My Mind

The Beach Boys - Bull Session with "Big Daddy" (stereo)
The Beach Boys - Bull Session with "Big Daddy" (mono)
=The Beach Boys - Bull Session with "Big Daddy"

The Beach Boys - The Girl from New York City (stereo)
=The Beach Boys - The Girl from New York City

The Beach Boys - Amusement Parks U.S.A. (stereo)
=The Beach Boys - Amusement Parks U.S.A.

The Beach Boys - Then I Kissed Her (stereo)
The Beach Boys - Then I Kissed Her (mono)
=The Beach Boys - Then I Kissed Her

The Beach Boys - Salt Lake City (stereo)
=The Beach Boys - Salt Lake City

The Beach Boys - Help Me Rhonda
The Beach Boys - Help Me, Rhonda - 2001 - Remaster;Mono
The Beach Boys - Help Me Rhonda (Single Version)
The Beach Boys - Help Me, Rhonda (single version)
The Beach Boys - Help Me, Rhonda (2001 - Remaster) (Mono)
The Beach Boys - Help Me, Rhonda (stereo)
The Beach Boys - Help Me, Rhonda (mono)
=The Beach Boys - Help Me, Rhonda

The Beach Boys - California Girls - 2001 Stereo Remix
The Beach Boys - California Girls - 2001 - Remaster
The Beach Boys - California Girls (Stereo Remix)
The Beach Boys - California Girls - Stereo
The Beach Boys - California Girls (stereo)
=The Beach Boys - California Girls

The Beach Boys - Let Him Run Wild (stereo)
=The Beach Boys - Let Him Run Wild

The Beach Boys - You're So Good to Me - 2001 - Remaster;Mono
The Beach Boys - You're So Good to Me (stereo)
The Beach Boys - You're So Good to Me (mono)
=The Beach Boys - You're So Good to Me

The Beach Boys - Summer Means New Love (stereo)
=The Beach Boys - Summer Means New Love

The Beach Boys - I'm Bugged at My Ol' Man (stereo)
=The Beach Boys - I'm Bugged At My Ol' Man

The Beach Boys - And Your Dream Comes True (mono)
The Beach Boys - And Your Dream Comes True (stereo)
=The Beach Boys - And Your Dream Comes True

The Beach Boys - Barbara Ann - 2001 - Remaster
The Beach Boys - Barbara Ann (single version)
The Beach Boys - Barbara-Ann
The Beach Boys - Barbara Ann (2001 - Remaster)
=The Beach Boys - Barbara Ann

The Beach Boys - Wouldn't it Be Nice - 1999 - Remaster
The Beach Boys - Wouldn't It Be Nice - Digitally Remastered 96
The Beach Boys - Wouldn't It Be Nice - 2000 - Remaster
The Beach Boys - Wouldn't It Be Nice (stereo)
The Beach Boys - Wouldn't It Be Nice (Mono)
The Beach Boys - Wouldn't It Be Nice (stereo mix)
The Beach Boys - Wouldn't it be Nice?
=The Beach Boys - Wouldn't It Be Nice

The Beach Boys - You Still Believe In Me - Digitally Remastered 96
The Beach Boys - You Still Believe In Me - The Stereo Mix;1996 Digital Remaster
The Beach Boys - You still Believe in Me - Mono
The Beach Boys - You Still Believe in Me (stereo mix)
The Beach Boys - You Still Believe in Me (stereo)
=The Beach Boys - You Still Believe In Me

The Beach Boys - That's Not Me - 1996 Digital Remaster
The Beach Boys - That's Not Me - The Stereo Mix;1996 Digital Remaster
The Beach Boys - That's Not Me (stereo mix)
The Beach Boys - That's Not Me (Mono)
=The Beach Boys - That's Not Me

The Beach Boys - Don't Talk (Put Your Head On My Shoulder) - 1996 Digital Remaster
The Beach Boys - Don't Talk (Put Your Head On My Shoulder) - The Stereo Mix;1996 Digital Remaster
The Beach Boys - Don't Talk (Put Your Head On My Shoulder) (Mono)
The Beach Boys - Don't Talk (Put Your Head on My Shoulder) (stereo mix)
The Beach Boys - Don't Talk
=The Beach Boys - Don't Talk (Put Your Head on My Shoulder)

The Beach Boys - I'm Waiting For The Day - Digitally Remastered 96
The Beach Boys - I'm Waiting For The Day - The Stereo Mix;1996 Digital Remaster
The Beach Boys - I'm Waiting for the Day (Mono)
The Beach Boys - I'm Waiting for the Day (stereo mix)
=The Beach Boys - I'm Waiting for the Day

The Beach Boys - Let's Go Away For Awhile - Digitally Remastered 96
The Beach Boys - Let's Go Away for a While
The Beach Boys - Let's Go Away For Awhile - The Stereo Mix;1996 Digital Remaster
The Beach Boys - Let's Go Away for Awhile (Mono)
=The Beach Boys - Let's Go Away for Awhile

The Beach Boys - Sloop John B - 1996 - Remaster
The Beach Boys - Sloop John B.
The Beach Boys - Sloop John B - The Stereo Mix;1996 Digital Remaster
The Beach Boys - Sloop John B (stereo)
The Beach Boys - Sloop John B (Mono)
The Beach Boys - Sloop John B (stereo mix)
The Beach Boys - Sloop John B (1996 - Remaster)
The Beach Boys - Sloop John B (The Stereo Mix) (1996 Digital Remaster)
The Beach Boys - Sloop John B - Single Version;1999 - Remaster
The Beach Boys - Sloop John B (Single Version) (1999 - Remaster)
=The Beach Boys - Sloop John B

The Beach Boys - God Only Knows (The Stereo Mix) (1996 Digital Remaster)
The Beach Boys - God Only Knows - 1999 - Remaster
The Beach Boys - God Only Knows - 1997 - Remaster
The Beach Boys - God Only Knows - The Stereo Mix;1996 Digital Remaster
The Beach Boys - God Only Knows (stereo)
The Beach Boys - God Only Knows (stereo mix)
The Beach Boys - God Only Knows (Mono)
=The Beach Boys - God Only Knows

The Beach Boys - I Know There's An Answer - Digitally Remastered 96
The Beach Boys - I Know There's An Answer - The Stereo Mix;1996 Digital Remaster
The Beach Boys - I Know There's an Answer (Mono)
The Beach Boys - I Know There's an Answer (stereo mix)
=The Beach Boys - I Know There's an Answer

The Beach Boys - Here Today - Digitally Remastered 96
The Beach Boys - Here Today - The Stereo Mix;1996 Digital Remaster
The Beach Boys - Here Today (Mono)
The Beach Boys - Here Today (stereo)
The Beach Boys - Here Today (stereo mix)
=The Beach Boys - Here Today

The Beach Boys - I Just Wasn't Made For These Times - Digitally Remastered 96
The Beach Boys - I Just Wasn't Made For These Times - The Stereo Mix;1996 Digital Remaster
The Beach Boys - I Just Wasn't Made for These Times (Mono)
The Beach Boys - I Just Wasn't Made for These Times (stereo mix)
=The Beach Boys - I Just Wasn't Made for These Times

The Beach Boys - Pet Sounds - Digitally Remastered 96
The Beach Boys - Pet Sounds - The Stereo Mix;1996 Digital Remaster
The Beach Boys - Pet Sounds (stereo)
The Beach Boys - Pet Sounds (Mono)
The Beach Boys - Pet Sounds (stereo mix)
=The Beach Boys - Pet Sounds

The Beach Boys - Caroline No
The Beach Boys - Caroline No (stereo)
The Beach Boys - Caroline, No - 1996 Digital Remaster
The Beach Boys - Caroline, No (Mono)
The Beach Boys - Caroline, No - The Stereo Mix;1996 Digital Remaster
The Beach Boys - Caroline, No (1996 Digital Remaster)
The Beach Boys - Caroline, No (Stereo)
The Beach Boys - Caroline, No (The Stereo Mix) (1996 Digital Remaster)
=The Beach Boys - Caroline, No

The Beach Boys - Heroes and Villains (Stereo)
The Beach Boys - Heroes and Villains (mono)
The Beach Boys - Heroes and Villains (Stereo Mix)
The Beach Boys - Heroes and Villains - Stereo Mix
The Beach Boys - Heroes and Villains - 2001 - Remaster
=The Beach Boys - Heroes and Villains

The Beach Boys - Vegetables - 2001 - Remaster
=The Beach Boys - Vegetables

The Beach Boys - Fall Breaks and Back to Winter (Woody Woodpecker Symphony) (Mono)
The Beach Boys - Fall Breaks and Back to Winter (Woody Woodpecker Symphony) (stereo)
=The Beach Boys - Fall Breaks and Back to Winter (W. Woodpecker Symphony)

The Beach Boys - Good Vibrations (Mono)
The Beach Boys - Good Vibrations (stereo)
The Beach Boys - Good Vibrations - 2001 - Remaster
The Beach Boys - Good Vibrations - Mono Version
The Beach Boys - Good Vibrations (Mono Version)
=The Beach Boys - Good Vibrations

The Beach Boys - With Me Tonight (stereo)
=The Beach Boys - With Me Tonight

The Beach Boys - Gettin' Hungry (stereo)
=The Beach Boys - Gettin' Hungry

The Beach Boys - Wonderful (stereo)
=The Beach Boys - Wonderful

The Beach Boys - Whistle In (stereo)
=The Beach Boys - Whistle In

The Beach Boys - Wild Honey - 2012 Stereo Mix
The Beach Boys - Wild Honey - 2001 - Remaster
=The Beach Boys - Wild Honey

The Beach Boys - Darlin' - 2012 Stereo Mix
The Beach Boys - Darlin' - 2001 - Remaster
=The Beach Boys - Darlin'

The Beach Boys - Friends - 2001 - Remaster
=The Beach Boys - Friends

The Beach Boys - Do It Again - 2001 - Remaster
=The Beach Boys - Do It Again

The Beach Boys - I Can Hear Music - 2001 - Remaster
=The Beach Boys - I Can Hear Music

The Beach Boys - Cabin Essence
=The Beach Boys - Cabinessence

The Beach Boys - Breakaway
=The Beach Boys - Break Away

The Beach Boys - Surf's Up - 24-Bit Remastered 99;2000 Digital Remaster
=The Beach Boys - Surf's Up

The Beach Boys - Disney Girls
=The Beach Boys - Disney Girls (1957)

The Beach Boys - Feel Flows - 2007 Digital Remaster
=The Beach Boys - Feel Flows

The Beach Boys - Until I Die
The Beach Boys - 'Til I Die - 24-Bit Remastered 99;2000 Digital Remaster
=The Beach Boys - 'Til I Die

The Beach Boys - Sail On, Sailor - 2000 - Remaster
The Beach Boys - Sail On Sailor
The Beach Boys - Sail On, Sailor - Digitally Remastered 02
=The Beach Boys - Sail On, Sailor

The Beach Boys - It's OK
=The Beach Boys - It's O.K.

The Beach Boys - California Dreamin' - Digitally Remastered 04
The Beach Boys - California Dreaming
The Beach Boys - California Dreamin' - 2007 - Remaster
=The Beach Boys - California Dreamin'

The Beach Boys - Do You Like Worms
The Beach Boys - Roll Plymouth Rock
=The Beach Boys - Do You Like Worms (Roll Plymouth Rock)

The Beach Boys - My Only Sunshine (The Old Master Painter+You Are My Sunshine)
=The Beach Boys - My Only Sunshine (The Old Master Painter / You Are My Sunshine)

The Beach Boys - Look
The Beach Boys - Song For Children
=The Beach Boys - Look (Song for Children)

The Beach Boys - On A Holiday
=The Beach Boys - Holidays

The Beach Boys - Mrs. O'Leary's Cow
=The Beach Boys - The Elements: Fire (Mrs. O'Leary's Cow)

The Beach Boys - In Blue Hawaii
The Beach Boys - I Love To Say Da Da
=The Beach Boys - Love to Say Dada

The Beach Boys - The Lion Sleeps Tonight
=The Tokens - The Lion Sleeps Tonight


How easy was that?! Thank you so much for helping! :D

For more information and to help out others trying to change track titles, head on to

Have a Scrobblific day,

April 17 2013 update: We've helped fix over 63 incorrect titles so far! :D I've since celebrated and removed the autocorrected titles from the above list and added a few more titles for correction that I missed the first time round. If you already voted the first time, you can access the shorter list of new tracks for correction here. You should all pat yourselves on the back for helping to make this happen :)

April 30 2013 update: Another 18 titles have been corrected over the past fortnight, thank you very much! :)

May 13 2013 update: Spooky, another 63 corrections! I'd be stoked if we hit 63 again sometime ^_^

June 2 2013 update: 8 incorrect titles have been redirected to their proper place, good job everybody! This puts the current total of corrections at 152. There's still a lot to go, but we've made great progress so far!

July 22 2013 update: Another 8 can be cleared off the list. What a terrific birthday gift ^_^ We're doing well!

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