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Wanna hear some sounds you never heard before? by lurholm reprinted without permision

lurholm sent this to me in contains some of the best of the lunatic fringe of DIY.

his message went as follows
"Apskaft is happy to present the third volume in our series of member music compilations, Apskaft Presents Vol. 3, and we’re proud to say that we made it all by ourselves. On this album you will find already established acts like Tinyfolk and Ed Askew, as well as never before heard artists like Super Afrikka and Tomtar På Loftet - and everything in between. No less than 25 songs - in seven different languages! - await your ears and brains; a delightful, disturbing blend of professionalism and amateurism, hi-fi and lo-fi, seriosity and nonsense, that defies all description. Whatever you do, don’t miss this one."

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