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Cocktails at Sunset - A Downtempo Tag-Combo/PTT Station

To help y'all chill-out, in your hammocks, and in early celebration of the Downtempo welcoming it's 300th member, I've put together a tag-combo PTT station, composed of my PTTs, which fit within the style/genre

I guess, there're over 400 hand-picked tracks here, so over 30 hours of top chilled-out listening! If you like a track you hear, on this station, please tag it (and , if you're feeling energetic), as well as over-tagging with whichever of the above tag(s) seem appropriate to you. No atrist or album tagging, please.

Otherwise, please let me know what you think of it, overall

If you hear any bloopers, please post about them here and I'll look into it.

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