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My Spotify is back!

HELL YEA! Realized something about my Visa-card (…) and changed few options in my online bank, and you know what!? I am stupid or something because I didn't realized it any before…fuck.

Now, I tried to buy Spotify Premium once again, and hahahahahaah yeaaaahh it worked!!! My Visa-card worked as it should!!! I jumped it the air because I was sooo happy! :::D

And the best thing. The first month is free! So no pays before the next month. But this is so awesome. I can listen music, anytime and anywhere with my Spotify mobile. And yeah, no ads or limits :P

The best day in my life. Music is so important to me. I can just cry or be fuckin mad if I can't listen music. Music has helped me a lot (like through the depression).

Thank you Spotify and Premium, you saved my life! :)


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