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Deerhoof - June 1st, Natural History Museum

Fri 1 Jun – Deerhoof, Autolux

Short review:

My friends and I went to the Natural History Museum to see Deerhoof, we hung out for a bit, walked around the exhibit, and it was all fun!

If I was starring at you, I'm sorry. There were a bunch of people that looked familiar at the show, so I kept on looking at certain people to get a good look. I didn't have my glasses on either. I never do.

Weird group. Sometimes I really enjoyed their sound, other times I wanted it to end. overall: 6/10

They're really talented, and great live. They didn't play Twin Killers OR Chatterbox, but whatever they played last was a GREAT way to end the show. The last song was intense, and so much fun. 8/10

Well, I didn't expect the crowds to mosh or anything, but they were statues. It was ok though, since I partly expected this. But movement would have been nice. I'm not going to rate them.

Overall: 7/10

Good show.

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