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Freelance Whales & Mini Tigers

Sat 27 Nov – Freelance Whales & Miniature Tigers
When I first heard that these two bands would be playing at Kilby Court, I was a bit perturbed. I had never been there before and was told that it was basically a garage and would be freezing cold. I was pleasantly surprised by this modest venue. Although it is essentially a garage, it was heated and had great decorations. The intimate setting is partly what made this concert so amazing.
Miniature Tigers played first, bringing a tremendous amount of energy to the stage. I enjoyed hearing some of my favorites from their album "Tell It To The Volcano" and most of the songs from their latest effort, "Fortress." The only part of the performance I didn't particularly enjoy was when they played "Coyote Enchantment" which just so happens to be the only song they have that annoys me. I would've been happy to hear a lot more from these guys so I was a bit disappointed that they neglected some of my favorite tracks such as "Tell It to the Volcano", "Hot Venom", and "Bullfighter Jacket" to play a Jimi Hendrix cover. I'm pretty sure they weren't supposed to play covers in Kilby Court anyways.. but oh well. :P
Freelance Whales took the stage next. I hadn't heard of this band until about a month ago when I saw they were playing with Miniature Tigers. I'm so pleased that I took the liberty of checking them out. They played every song with a tangible passion that seemed to spread to the audience as they sang along with feel-good tracks such as "Hannah" and "Generator^First Floor." It was crazy to hear the lyrics repeated by so many different voices in such a small place and it was easy to tell that the band was equally, if not more, delighted about it. The band's graciousness was part of the reason they were so rewarding to watch. Because Freelance Whales only has one album so far (2009's "Weathervanes") they played through every song on the album. They even played two new tracks, "Enzymes" and another one I can't recall the title of. When it came time for the show to end, Freelance Whales skipped my least favorite concert tradition of leaving the stage and returning after several minutes to do an encore. They announced that they were playing their last song which was Generator^Second Floor. This was the highlight of the night for me because of the heart and soul that emanated from the stage during this song. All in all, an incredible night.

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