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Ago 5

Revelations: Shaman in the Fortress

Con [MC] Maasai Warrior e Flying Fortress. Sede: The Tribal Cafe

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Domenica 5 Agosto 2012 alle 15:00


The Tribal Cafe
90026, United States

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Acquista biglietti


Shaman Maasai Warrior will be performing alongside Flying Fortress, the great defenders of justice, at the Tribal Cafe, a shrine to the one ancient clan.

Free entry, great food to heal your body as the vocal percussion of the learnéd healers beats away at demons invisible and lurking. Drink the tea and mediate on their words.

The Warrior guarantees that the stylings of IllGill, Nameless, and other powerhouse artist's will free your mind...and your ass will follow...

The new album:

Lineup (2)

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